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Advent - The Coming!

Thanks to everyone who visited the Amazing Animated Advent Calendar in 1999! The calendar will be left up year 'round for all to enjoy.

We made it to the Freeservers All-Time Top #20 If you have not voted yet, but would like to...Please click the button below.
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During the season of Advent, Christians around the world prepare for the celebration of the coming of the Lord into the world through the birth of His Son
Jesus Christ

Advent is a time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness.

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Merry Christmas!

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4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16
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Amazing!  284832 Visitors Since October 4, 1999 (This counter read 35,000+ before it re-started for no apparent reason on December 7, 1999... Really!


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Amazing Animated Advent Calendar Copyright 1997-1999 Teri Williams